01622 298148
172 Woodlands Road, Aylesford, Maidstone, Kent, ME20 6EY

Estate Planning

Estate Planning

Few of us like to think about dying, but equally, few of us could live with the thought that we have not made adequate provision for family and friends who survive us.

The legislation that governs passing on your estate to your chosen beneficiaries requires you to plan well in advance. Since none of us knows when we will die, this means making the necessary provisions now.

The earlier you make the arrangements, the greater your chance of taking full advantage of the tax opportunities available and thereby maximising the amount that goes to your beneficiaries. Nothing is more demoralising than the thought that a substantial slice of wealth you have worked hard to accumulate will end up in the Governments coffers.

It is equally important when planning to transfer your estate that you make adequate provision for yourself and your spouse in your later years. Striking this balance calls for considerable skill and foresight – and a detailed knowledge of the tax regime.

We provide a discreet estate planning service that includes:

  • Help with drawing up your Will, appointing Executors, Trustees, Guardians
  • Making full use of exemptions and lower tax rates on lifetime transfers
  • Optimising lifetime transfers between spouses
  • Transferring into Trusts
  • Start your Estate Planning now   –   contact us for a preliminary review
Documentation Storage

It is essential that your Will and other confidential documents, are kept safely and able to be found by the right people, in your absence.  It could be catastrophic if your Will were to fall in to the wrong hands of those who did not agree with your wishes after your death.

For a minimal cost, our document storage service ensures that only you or your chosen executors and attorneys are able to obtain the documents at the right time, thus ensuring your wishes are carried out.

Lasting Powers of Attorney

Who would look after your affairs if for some reason you were unable to do so yourself?

A lasting power of attorney enables you to choose who you would trust to make decisions on your behalf.

Failure to do so would mean that someone else would choose that person for you.

Single Parents

It is essential that single parents decide who they would like to raise their children if they were not here. Appointing guardians is quite simple but a vital element of the Will for single parents

Couples living together

If you have bought a property with someone to whom you are not married, have you considered what would happen if one of you were to die?  Making a Will is essential in these circumstances.

We provide a bespoke service to our client be they a sole trader or small company. Our aim is to give the kind of reliable, efficient and cost-effective service we ourselves would expect to receive. Call us on 01622 298148.

What We Can Do For You

Book-keeping | Preparation of accounts for the Self-employed | Ltd Company Statutory Accounts | Filing of Corporation Tax Returns | Filing of Individual Self-Assessment Tax Returns | CIS Subcontractors – Accounts prepared and tax refunds applied for | New company start-ups | Preparation of VAT Returns | Payroll Service | Tax planning and advice | Sage Software Training | Company Secretarial | Wills & Trusts | Lasting Powers of Attorney | Inheritance Trusts | Property Trusts | Probate